Sustainable Jersey evolved out of the “green Mayors” group at the NJLM working in partnership with others, including the NJDEP. The program was launched in 2009 and became a non-profit in 2012. Since then 464 of NJ’s 564 municipalities have registered, including Eastampton, Lumberton, Medford, Moorestown, Mount Holly and Mount Laurel, and the program has given out over $5M in grants.
Hainesport was registered as a participant by a resolution at the March 2023 Township meeting. The Green Team was established at the Reorganization Meeting in January 2024, and consists of:
Governing Body Member, Committeewoman Anna Evans (Chair)
Official of the Municipality, Paula Kosko
Environmental Commission Member #1, Janice Ludden
Environmental Commission Member #2, Leila Gilmore
Citizen of the Municipality #1, Paula Uhland
Citizen of the Municipality #2, Samantha Loveman
Citizen of the Municipality #3, Erin Minero
Work has begun on documenting existing actions and starting new ones. There are 3 opportunities to submit an application for accreditation in 2024. The second round deadline was May 10, and feedback is expected mid June. You can read a summary of the application, minus supporting documents, here: May 10 Application
The primary barrier to success is the need to complete two Priority Actions. These are the ones we are currently working on:
- Community Equity & Diversity Profile
- Natural Resource Inventory
- Recycling & Waste Reduction Education & Compliance
Check back here in June for an update once feedback has been received.